Sugar Daddy
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He went to my backside and started trailing his kisses on my back. "I want you to stay still for me Addie. Can you do that for me?" I was moaning my answers, I just couldn't seem to think. "Answer me, Adriana, I will reward you with every answer you give me." ***** Adriana is a very successful business woman. She had powerful, successful, wealthy men and women on her grips. Coming from a dark world of prostitution she knows how to make money. She's the daughter of a very dangerous and notorious business man. Everyone feared her father. He's no mob, but he killed like one. She never had boyfriends, she had lovers, she enjoyed s*x, one thing for sure, she would never commit. That's what her father taught her before he was brutally shot by her own mother, which then she killed, because she loved her father more. She was daddy's little girl. She loved her father more than anything in the world. Alexander is a very handsome playboy actor. He wasn't always this wealthy. But he was an inspiring actor, and he had fucked his way up the ladder. He'd do anything for power, for money. He craved the envious looks of other people when they saw him bathed in luxury and beauty. He's your typical male specimen with ripples of muscles and face


Chapter 1 Another Day at The Office

"That's not how it is supposed to work Mr. McCain. Yes... I know you had paid a large amount of money. Yes... but our girl is still free to decide. It is quite clear on the agreement sir. Let's see, how about if I set you up with a more suitable girl for you? I'm really sorry about this. Why don't you take Jaquelyn to dinner first, anyplace of your choosing all expenses are on us, as a token of our apology. Then if you deemed appropriate, she will replace your previous one? And I will take care of everything personally. Yes sir, I understand. I will set it up with Jaquelyn tonight. Thank you, sir."

Damn billionaires!

I finally ended his call. Mr. McCain was one of our top paying clients, with his fetish habits of extreme daddy kinks, only a handful of our girls would comply. Tough the arrangement that we made was more of a sugar daddy type of thing, but the kink itself was always optional.

I sighed as I drink my morning espresso, and puffed my cigare

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