Of What is Red
Diana Regolizio
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238 days ago update

I circled him slowly, tracing my fingertips along his back, ribs, and stomach. His hair stood and I saw other clear signs of arousal, but I knew I could do better. I wanted him to beg - for what, I didn't yet know. He would tell me, and I would use it against him."Scarlet," he whispered, voice heavy with need.I kissed his cheek.My purpose was to serve the Ivory Kingdom. Be their sacrificial princess; enter the Other world; seduce our enemy, Rowan the Crimson King. I did all of these things. Now he would take me to the Crimson Gates and unwittingly break the banishment curse on my kingdom. My kingdom would invade his overnight. But he wasn't the monster I was told he would be. He was precious, playful, and all things good. I didn't want to betray him, but I didn't know what else to do.18+ for sexual contentTW: mild violence; substance-induced psychosis; recovery from cult/mental abuse.Of What is Red is created by Diana Regolizio, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.


Chapter 1: Feed Me Poison

I sat at the foot of my bed, heart racing, feeling detached from my body. The gold lines in the pale marble floor blurred in my mounting state of panic. I always knew this day would come, but now it was here.

My dad was a suited barrel—chested silhouette before the one—way window walls in my room, the sun reflecting in his face so I could discern some detail. He offered me a reassuring grin, deepening the lines along his mouth. This grin fooled most people, but it couldn’t work on me anymore. It was a calculated expression to put people at ease, making them less inclined to argue.

“I thought I was getting married today,” I said, not that I was much looking forward to that, either. I was risen from bed early enough, and fed, and showered. My naturally platinum blond hair was still wet beneath the towel. I wore a silk slip beneath my robe — one that was meant to go beneath a wedding dress.

“You are,” Dad promised. “Remember: you said you didn’t want to see this

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