The Billionairess Is My Ex-Wife?
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Since marrying Felix Joan three years ago, Rubi Felton had dedicated herself to serving the entire Joan family, hoping to thaw Felix's cold heart. However, when he insisted that she donate her kidney to another woman, Rubi realized that Felix would never change. This revelation awakened her, prompting her to leave behind a divorce agreement, allowing Felix to be with his true love. Many people viewed this as a joke. "Rubi is just being greedy. She won't actually divorce Felix. She's just trying to make more money!" Rubi laughed at these comments and responded, "I'm over him now. I'm going back home to inherit a fortune worth billions." Her words were met with derision from those around her. Soon, Rubi became the youngest entrepreneur on the rich list. When it was revealed that she was Mr. Joan's ex-wife, everyone was shocked! After divorcing Rubi, Felix couldn't help but feel intense jealousy when he saw her being pursued by several gorgeous men. Rubi sneered, "It's better to keep a dog than to keep a man. I'm not interested in dating my ex."


Chapter 1

The night fell.

The Joan's villa was brightly lit. Occasional laughter and cheerful voices could be heard in the living room.

Rubi was slicing the vegetables alone in the kitchen, feeling dizzy and sore all over. Every breath she took was torture.

She had been running a fever since this morning.

Yet she didn't even have time to go out and buy medicine. The heavy housework kept her occupied.

"Hey! Are you done? Why does it take you so long to cook a meal? I can't believe Felix married a useless woman like you who cannot even bear him a child!" Nora Joan urged impatiently in front of the kitchen. "Felix and Rowan are starving!"

Rubi felt a burning pain in her throat. She coughed lightly, accustomed to Nora, Felix's sister, treating her this way.

"The meal will be ready in a minute."

"Hurry up! Rowan isn't a bumpkin like you. She is delicate and needs nutritious food. If you don't take care of her well, Felix won't spare you!"

Rubi smiled bitterly as she thought to her

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