The Girl That Was Broken
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As they walked around the building Rage said. She is the one. Steve and Elizabeth stopped and asked what did you say. Rage said. She is mine. I felt it when she walked in the door. I knew something was wrong but didn‘t know what. If I find out who did that to her they are dead. Steve said she is a little thing, isn‘t she? She takes pain well and that is not a good thing. That tells me she has been abused for a long time. As they walked in Steve and Rage walked over and sat down at the table while Elizabeth finished cleaning the kitchen to close for the night. The three men looked at them and asked. Well, how bad is it? Steve said bad. Rage said she has taken a good beating. She has at least three broken ribs and two cracked one. Looking at Steve he asked. Did you see her back? Steve said yes I did. Someone used a belt on her back. She has two or three scars. Her throat was so bruised it was surprising she could even talk. That is probably why she talks so


Book 1 Chapter 1: On The Run

I made it to West Virginia and stopped at a restaurant outside of town. I saw three or four bikes parked outside but that didn't bother me. I pulled my hoodie up and hid my face as I walked in the door. I was sore and it hurt to move. I had difficulty breathing and knew Richard must have broken some ribs.

I slowly made my way to a table in the corner and sat down. I felt eyes on me and looked out of the side of my eyes seeing the bikers watching me. As I reached to grab a menu I grabbed my side. I noticed that the biker that was getting ready to take a drink of coffee stopped watching me closely.

He was handsome. He had long dark brown hair reaching to his shoulders. He had a few tattoos. I was looking at the menu when the waitress walked to the table. I said I will take a cup of coffee, two eggs over easy, bacon and toast, please. My hood slipped on my head and quickly reached up and pulled it forward but not before the waitress saw my face.

I heard her ta

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