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"Why?" I ask and widen my eyes, trying not to let my tears fall. "Sorry, I have found my true mate…” Rosalyn had hoped that on the night of her boyfriend, Alpha Matt’s coronation, he would find his true mate and it would be her, but things didn’t work out that way. It happened that the late to her boyfriend was her best friend Georgina. Her boyfriend instantly broke up with her and goes to be with his true mate. Rosalyn, who could not bear the heartache and humiliation, left the main pack to go live her mother in the country side only to find out months later that her ex-boyfriend had been cheating on her with her best friend. Years later, a call comes in from her brother who tells her that the entire pack center is in chaos and her father is in the hospital. She leaves the country side for the pack center where she encounters Alpha Clint Johnson, a ruthless Alpha who has now taken over the pack. She is not afraid to challenge the Alpha who also grows to resent her, but as the days go by, they both cannot fathom or resist the their burning passion and desire for eachother.


CHAPTER 1 Broke up


I let out a heavy sigh as I look around the Banquet hall. Everything looks glamorous. From the embellishments, to the lighting and the music the orchestras are playing is excellent. The guests, who are all the members of the Black Scorpion Pack looks very elegant and everyone seems to be involved in conversations in little groups, well, except me.

This great party was thrown by our Alpha, Alpha Barry Davis in honour of his son Matt Davis’s eighteenth birthday,and coronation as well. Everyone was invited to attend the birthday and coronation of their new Alpha. And I, Matt's girlfriend, was also invited.

The main coronation was over and now everyone is having some refreshments served by the castle servants.

But I am seated all alone at a table for four somewhere behind, minding my business. You see, I’m kind of an outcast in the pack because of something my parents did which weighed down on me. My parents weren’t mates, but they decided t

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