Lycan King’s Captive
Jessica Hall
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Growing up in the oppressive Lycan kingdom, Sienna has only known hardships. Her parents were traitors to the Lycan kingdom and she has grown up in the shadow of that shame. She thought things couldn’t get worse but upon learning that her uncle put her down as collateral, she finds herself in the hands of a notorious trafficker to pay off his debt. Salvation comes in the form of someone she never thought would try to save her. The mysterious prince of the Lycan kingdom, he claims ownership over her. The prince thinks he’s got a willing slave, he just never expected that Sienna is just as strong-willed as him. After refusing to submit to him, she runs from the Lycan Prince, accepting her fate to die. Sienna's ill-fated decision to escape the Lycan Prince forces her into a desperate situation; surrounded by enemies and beyond saving, she waits for death. The Prince has other plans, he hunts her down and drags her back home with him. However, little does Sienna know that this will open up a new chapter and that the prince is not the savior she thought he was when she becomes his captive. But as secrets unravel and mysteries unfold, she learns of a deep history of hatred between their families. Yet no secret is more disturbing than learning she's his mate


Chapter 1


Shivering, I rub my arms as I walk home from the club I work at. Snow settles on the ground, and it gives the illusion that there is beauty in this city. That is a far cry from the truth on this cold, bitter night. This city is not safe at night, ruled by King Rehan. He's a Lycan, and a frightening one at that. Humans like me were mere pawns to him. However, I dread when his son Prince Xandros takes over.

I've heard the whispers of his depravity, and he sounds worse than his father. Creatures that used to live only in horror movies and storybooks. Choose this time to come out and play. And I don't mean to play cards or play ball in the streets. No, they have more monstrous ideas in which they play. They play with their food and hunt their unsuspecting prey; that is their idea of fun.

So walking through the deserted streets, I'm extra vigilant. My house is on a derelict street that runs along the forest that borders the city. The only light is by the burned-out hou

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