Avalon City
Jessica Hall
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Their death Haunts me, it is one thing to lose someone but it's another when you not only witness it but you felt it, felt the life being sucked from them, the fear she felt, the sadness of her own loss, the helplessness. the pain and betrayal. They say grief has stages denial, anger depression, forgiveness then acceptance. Maybe after I'm done, I can accept their deaths maybe even forgive myself for my part. But first I need to find the truth, my truth. They died for me, to protect me, leaving me to figure out the secrets of a past, I never knew was mine. My own coven betrayed them and by doing so destroyed me. Leaving nothing but the hunger and drive to destroy those that killed them, but unfortunately with betrayal it doesn't come from enemies, it comes from those you trust. Those you thought you knew, they will never understand the damage they have caused until they themselves feel it, even if it kills me in the process and I lose myself to the darkness. In the end it will be worth it, to see the same fear on their faces that my mother felt, to watch the life drain from their eyes, their soul being taken to the pits of hell. No one will stand in my way, I know what I'm capable of now. I know who I am, and I don't care if I have to kill those who I thought I loved and trusted. Revenge will be mine, even if it comes with the price of my own heart.


Chapter 1


Dreams have always tormented me as far back as I can remember, and the one I'm currently caught in is no exception. Even though they seem like nightmares - intense, lifelike, and terrifying—I find it hard to label them as genuine night terrors once I am awake.

The fact that I'm aware it's a dream doesn't alleviate the torment I undergo while experiencing it. I wake up with a sense that these dreams are more than just figments of my imagination. Deep down, I feel that there's a profound meaning hidden within these vivid images.

It seems as if I'm missing a crucial piece of information, something that could tie everything together, forming a coherent picture and rendering the dreams comprehensible. Even though I'm familiar with the futility of battling my dreams - having lost numerous times before - I persist, each failure pulling me deeper into the abyss. Like before, this dream engulfs me, seizing control of my senses and immersing me in a surreal reality cr

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